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Month: August 2017

Quick Shots for 08/18/2017

Quick Shots for 08/18/2017

My wife’s father used to claim that stores would pay Deborah to shop there. What he was referring to was the uncanny ability she had of buying merchandise for pennies on the dollar due to sales, coupons or other money saving tactics. I’ll admit, while Deborah doesn’t exactly get paid to shop (though one time she did receive more for a return than she paid, even after pointing that fact out to the clerk), Deborah does have a knack for getting the best deals when shopping. She takes pride in this talent and is always looking for the best price. Case in point, according to the CVS app on her phone, she has been… Read more...
Life Fails, Life Lessons

Life Fails, Life Lessons

LifePay for a college education. Read a self-help book. Find a mentor. There are many ways that we look to others in an attempt to improve ourselves. However, I believe that sometimes we are our own best teachers. No, I’m not saying we have some innate ability to know how to do something without any instructions. Instead, we tend to be experts at screwing up really badly, and if we take the time to examine what we did wrong, we can learn not to repeat those mistakes in the future. One of those key moments for me was way back when I was attending elementary school, and it’s a lesson I never forgot. In 5th and 6th grade… Read more...
Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

Quick Shots for 08/11/2017

When asking someone to adjust the air conditioning, telling them to "Turn it up," isn't good enough. Not everyone has the same A/C speak. It's best to specify if you want it cooler or warmer. If you don't, you might find your Florida home nearing 100° after you ask your daughter, "Please turn up the air."
They need a topic filter on Facebook and Twitter. I'm very interested in a game journalist's opinions on video games. I'm not necessarily interested in their opinions on politics.
I saw a new commercial this week. It opens with a shot of an elderly woman gazing upon her newborn great granddaughter.… Read more...
Wednesday Gameplay

Wednesday Gameplay

Last year my son informed me that he wanted to watch me play Tales From The Borderlands. I was okay with that, except for one thing. Andrew lived with his mother, was currently attending college and had a part time job. He just wasn’t around enough to see me play a story-based game that had a playtime of 10-13 hours. There was only one solution I could think of: I was going to have to record all my gameplay and post it on YouTube. So that’s what I did. I had never recorded any gameplay prior to that. In fact, I wasn’t even sure I had a computer at the time that could do a decent job. Still, I gave it a shot and now, nearly… Read more...