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Tag: division

Naaman, The COVID-19 Vaccine, and Faith In God

Naaman, The COVID-19 Vaccine, and Faith In God

Half Air faith article

Like everyone else, I am ready for COVID-19 to be over. My reasons, however, probably differ from most other people’s. Introverted as I am, I don’t mind the lock-downs, social distancing, and remote meetings. Masks don’t bother me. They’re just another article of clothing that offers me the opportunity to express myself while protecting others. I feel the vaccine is a no-brainer. A little discomfort and inconvenience is a small price to pay to stay healthy enough to continue to do God’s work, including caring for my wife and children. What I don’t like about COVID is all the division that has arisen… Read more...

We Suck At Grey

We Suck At Grey

America likes to take sides. If I am talking abouts sports, games or some other competition, that would be okay. But I’m not. I’m talking about life. For years now it appears that we are more and more becoming a nation of us and them, and it’s only gotten worse in the past several months. Every week there is another event or news story that causes people to dig in and man their battle stations. One recent event got me to thinking about what the core cause of the problem is and how we might begin to change it. Of course, the event I’m talking about are the restrictions regarding wearing white after Labor Day.… Read more...